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Robert F. Kennedy Stadium - Washington DC, DC

Set 1:
Shakedown Street
Wang Dang Doodle
Mama Tried
Mexicali Blues
Loose Lucy
Picasso Moon

Set 2:
Box Of Rain
Samson And Delilah
Ship Of Fools
Rollin' And Tumblin'
Samba In The Rain
Wharf Rat
Not Fade Away

Brokedown Palace

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this was my last show. for some reason
i started crying during brokedown palace
the man behind me said "hey, it's ok, don't cry" but i couldn't stop. i must have had a feeling that it was over, that everything was going to change and would never be the same again.

This was my last show also. And I remember wanting to leave when they started Brokedown - had a train to catch back to NYC - but a friend of mine pleaded with me to stay. So glad I did!

this was my last show. I cried and cried and cried, because I knew that Jerry was a gonner after that. I happen to be very very smart

Words cannot describe those moments in time.

Wasn't my last show, but was one of the better Summer 95 shows. I had seen the whole west coast tour and had debated whether or not to see these two (being that it was on the other side of the country), but had an old friend Mike Carlson talk me into going with them. It rained during the setbreak and so it meant a lot for them to open second set with Box o Rain and then Rain.
"We were selling shirts with a picture of Bob Weir on the front and on the back it said "Things are getting Weir'd"

Alas, also my last show. As I remember, the temperature was 100 degrees and the rain during intermission was more than welcome. We were sliding in the mud on the field and managed to get to the front for the second set. What a smile Jerry had on his face. My shoes are probably still buried in the field at RFK.

My last show as well, I remember dropping a tear or two at that one as well....RFK was always very kind to my tribe and I, it was also my first stadium show in 92........150+ shows in between those two RFK's.......I miss those days......

PS- Stella, I found your shoes, but my dog ate them up a few years later....

This was one of the better shows of 95'

I dunno, Jerry sounded a bit grizzled when the set opened up with Shakedown. And Bobby's guitar actually sounded a bit grizzled as well. Oddly enough, this is one of my favorite shows...

it hurts to hear jerry's painful voice squeak out on jack a roe...Sad month lay ahead...YOu can get this one at! Love ya, jerry

nick, i do like the dead and you have the smallest cock ive ever seen. also your "jizz" loads were so puny,you're

isn't this the show when a bunch of hippies got struck by lightning?

Wow....I just stumbled onto this site. To read some of the first reviews is eary. I also felt like some of the other posters in that it was over. I was so very sad. Having started to see shows in '80, I always had optimal faith in Jerry resurecting, but knew at this show it would be mine...and close to his last. Makes me very said. The music in my opinion is in an outright dissarray from the get go. I couldn't even tell they were playing Shakedown unilt the 1st verse. This is coming from a guy that could pick them out from the 1-3 note on in the pre - tuning.

God bless us all and thank you Jerry.


I only seen the 2nd set which was just average.
D.C. was albout the cash, every year, my pockets were literally stuffed full after those 2 nights. Besides that I HATE DC w/ a passion. Eff the locals and their traffic.

as far as '95 shows go, i tend to get into this one. the truckin'>rollin' & tumblin'>samba is a treat. check it out. . .

yea this was my last show too and honestly probably the worst show i ever saw :( i had stopped seeing them pretty much by the end of 93 and just thought i would catch the boys one last time Man I had no idea it literally would be the last time :( miss you jerry !


Hey WVU Dan you are the problem prick, thanks for f'ing it up for everyone.Going in for the 2nd set your a total d-bag you should have never shown up douche.
- (09/03/2009)

...My last Jerry show also..remember it like Ill remember it as if it was one those things you cannot quite put an understanding to...But I just knew something was bad..

- (01/22/2010)

...My last Jerry show also..remember it like Ill remember it as if it was one those things you cannot quite put an understanding to...But I just knew something was bad..

- (01/22/2010)

None of you had any feelings of dread and none of you "knew it was the end."

Heck, this show was pretty solid.
And even those that were at the last few shows (which WERE really rough) didn't "know it was the end."
Jerry had been up and down before.
I was there and you all are full of crap.
For the most part the feeling was one of optimism.
Stop the revisionist history.
- (06/04/2010)

Jerry was a musical genius. Potheads rule!
-Glenn (06/29/2010)

My last show also, summer hasn't been the same since, but the music never stops
- (08/08/2010)

gdjake, it's a miracle that you are so in tune with the WHOLE world's consciousness that you can make the idiotic statement you started with! I guess my 23+ years of shows including over 70 with "All Access" laminates and spending plenty of time with the crew and various other GDP employees in about every state the band played in since '83, that my feeling of impending collapse that was discussed by the aforementioned friends and others was B.S. Thank you in your infinite wisdom for correcting my feeling on this as well as the other people that must just have been much more out of touch with the situation than the general admission psychic powers that you possess. I'll have to tell Dan and Eileen that they just were really out of the loop they helped built. I wish the "optimism" memo had reached Jerry so he could have passed at home instead of trying to save his own life after the intervention prior to the end of the tour which was the only way the fall tour would go on, not to mention the $60k wasted at Serenity Knolls. I was there as well, both nights I sat on a line-array unit trying to figure out the weird silence among the crew that was building during the tour and it's a shame that the "optimism" you have told me about was overlooked by the newbies that were so uninformed after being with the band since the first years, you could have educated Ramrod for instance and brightened his remaining tour dates.If only gdjake had been in a position to tell the majority of crowd and crew the true situation. Since I am full of crap with the others you should e-mail me and I will send scans of the pics from the tour and you can describe some of my photos showing a very " depressed looking" group of revisionist historians that happen to be the people always quoted for the facts about the true GD history. I heard discussions about the fact that Jerry's "stutters" could no longer be blamed on Dan Healy. I guess the song "If The Shoe Fits" that was a jab at Dan was wrong and Phil just had no clue of the situation on the tours. Thanks for the ultimate wisdom you have bestowed upon everyone except yourself, THE KING OF GRATEFUL DEAD KNOWLEDGE! I bow!
- (07/16/2011)

BTW wvu_dan: You are lucky you were never spun for being a shithead piece of lot trash. I saw many of your bucktooth, granny screwin', white trash walking in circles sucking their fingers until an Ambulance crew found them for the ride to the local psychiatric hospital. I bet you hate DC because as a West Virginia cave dwelling neanderthal those "city slickers" either raped or robbed you and made you cry when asked by the Police to spell your name for the report and you said "we uns puts a crossy mark for muh names". It hurts to be illiterate AND from one of the only places where everyone gets laid at their family reunion. So please find Phish and do your countin' on your fingers that lets you come up with a number that you would consider "good foldin' money to be spent at Wal-Mart on your set of clothes you get every 3 years." The reason the traffic is so bad for you is that you drive a 1957 Ford tractor with no seat and a large bolt that has to go somewhere when you sit down on your fine machine. MMMMM, I wonder where? I could list the sick habits and dietary abnormalities of your kind for days but you can't read and those who can are bored with common knowledge. Granny is callin' for her mornin' cornholin while your Paw munches on the nether regions. Now stop having kids and the world will improve.

- (07/16/2011)

I had a lot of fun at this show, Because it was a dead show. Which ment the dead played. so if you were there and didnt have fun sorry but you suck. Wish I could do it again!
-Bert (11/09/2011)

I did NOT go to this show because the RFK 94 shows were so bad I didn't want to subject myself to it again.
-VAGenius (04/20/2012)

Hate to burst your bubble, but i can almost guarantee that anyone who says they had "the feeling", at most just thought the band was done touring. I highly doubt in all that was left of the atmosphere of love and peace that was The Dead, that anyone would have wanted to think about jerry dying. Don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but i have serious doubts that a disturbing vibration was translated by everyone here to be the same. I don't doubt that you all knew something was gonna happen, and it wouldn't be good, but i don't think all of you knew, the grief has probably made you forget the details, but thats ok. Because in the end, its about the times had and enjoyed, not about who was right about the end. Seriously, stop trying to make your self the center of atention and just talk about the good times. Gloomy vibes makes for gloomy conversation.
-Anonymous (10/03/2012)

This was my last show as well. I had no idea that is would be at the time. I do remember finding out later that some people had been hit by lightning in the parking lot. I find it fitting that the last song was Brokedown Palace. A very fitting end. Wish I could re-live it all again.
- (03/23/2014)

Ha, gdjake gets owned...long time coming.
-Anonymous (10/10/2014)

Jared needs to get the sand outta his vagina.
-Anonymous (12/29/2014)

To all those in this post saying we did not have the feeling that this was the end I say...speak for yourselves. Before the encore I rarely would go into the stands preferring to dance in the halls but I went in and saw Jerry. I was close enough to see him and said to myself, wow, he doesn't look good. I think this is the last time I'n gonna see him alive. and I said a goodbye to him in my head. Exact words: "goodbye Jerry and thank you for all the good times, and all the joy you have brought to my life. goodbye, I love you." then they went into Brokedown Palace. That is the truth and so many of us were thinking it at the same time, we could tell and he said goodbye to us too!

- (01/27/2015)

I was there, as I was for all the RFK shows in the 90's, and there was a strange, sad vibe during Brokedown Palace. All you folks who were not there can think whatever you want. Jerry's impending demise was obvious to anyone paying attention. I did cry during the encore, because I knew it was over, and for good this time. Lots of folks were crying.

I hate to be negative, but the show itself was pretty pitiful. :( One of the worst I ever saw (out of 32 shows). The Shakedown was just bad, especially when compared to the one at Deer Creek the previous summer. Even when compared to the '94 RFK shows, this one comes off weak. What a difference a year makes, I guess.

I've not listened to a recording of this show, but usually at least one song will stick out in my memory as being particularly good, or as the highlight. With this one, I only remember the very rough start and the emotional Brokedown Palace.

The parking lot and crowd was, as always, loving, creative, unique, and fun. I remember dancing with a big crowd to 'Le Freak' at the disco club in the lot after the show. Awesome! RFK had a special magic to it. It always felt like coming home. I still get nostalgic every June, probably will for the rest of my life.
- (09/05/2015)

This was my last and final show. Words can not describe the sense of loss when Jerry passed only weeks after. Loss, emptiness, sadness. But we have the tapes and a lot to be thankful for.
The Music will NEVER stop
- (03/23/2017)

Revisted portions of this show today. Surprised by a spritely Box of Rain, Jerry's first solo on Samson is rippin', Ship of Fools is very poignant and NFA is one of the hottest late era versions I have heard.

Brokedown needs no description
-Anonymous (08/18/2019)

final Ship :(
-Anonymous (06/26/2020)

From that cup no more...
-hedge (05/17/2022)

My last show also. Unlike many here, I wasn't thinking that was it for Jerry. I think because, if I recall correctly, he was wearing a red shirt (a bright color! lol) and after Brokedown, he uncharacteristically put his hand way over his head and waved to the crowd. I thought, man he's looking and feeling better! Little did I know :(
-Anonymous (06/16/2022)

I have had a lot of time to reflect on this 29 years later.

I will not say I knew the end was near because I did not.
I will say from the garden shows I attended to end fall tour in 94 until the dc shows, Jerry had aged 30 years.
He was just like my brother, could never kick the habit and it is unfortunate.

It was my wife's only show and she said " I have never seen so much pot in my life" LOL....

What a lot of fun those days were even though I was completely sober.

I hope when I get to heaven, I get the chance to Thank Jerry for all great memories. He is missed everyday.
- (06/11/2024)

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Band Configuration
(05/19/92 - 07/09/95)

Lead Guitar: Jerry Garcia
Rhythm Guitar: Bob Weir
Bass: Phil Lesh
Keyboards: Vince Welnick
Drums: Bill Kreutzmann
Drums: Mickey Hart

Note: Band configuration is across specified time period. Configuration for particular show may have differed.

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